Dad: 무슨 일이야?
James: 수학 숙제 좀 도와주실 수 있어요?
Dad: 숙제가 무엇인지에 따라 다르지.
James: 수학이예요.
Dad: 좋아, 내가 좀 도와줄게.
James: 고마워요 아빠!
Dad: 그래, 어디가 문제야?
James: 여기까지 했어요.
Dad: 그래, 무엇이 혼동되냐?
James: 이쪽이 음수로 나와요.
Dad: 앞의 단계에서 잘 못 될수도 있지. 다시 한 번 검토해보자.
James: 이게 제가 풀은 것이에요.
Dad: 좋아. 내가 한 번 보자.
James: 좋아요.
Dad: 오, 실수를 하나 찾았다.
James: 어디요?
Dad: 이건 부주의한 실수야.
James: 어디요?

What's up?
Can you help me with my algebra homework?
It depends on what it is.
As I said, it's algebra.
Ok. I'll try to help you.
Thanks dad!
So, where's the problem?
Well, I got to here.
Ok. So what's confusing you?
That side goes into the negatives.
Maybe the steps you did before was wrong. Let's go over that again.
Well, here is the work I did.
Ok. Let me look over it.
Oh, I found a mistake!
It's a careless mistake.


Daniel: You've got it.
Peter: And then what?
Daniel: How many times does 34 go into 50?
Peter: Once.
Daniel: Right.
Peter: It says 11 at the top.
Daniel: It should say that.
Peter: Ok. So fifty minus thirty four equals 16.
Daniel: You need a decimal now on top.
Peter: Oh! That's what I did wrong!
Daniel: I used to make mistakes like that too.
Peter: Thanks for your help Daniel!
Daniel: Welcome.
Peter: Yay! I get it!
Daniel: I'm glad. Do you need any help on other things?
Peter: Nope. I'm good!
Daniel: Alright!
James: Dad?

단어 숙어

algebra: 수학  got: get의 과거 confuse: 혼동되다, 혼동시키다 side: 쪽, 측, 면 negative: 부정적인, 음수의
step: 과정, 단계, 스텝 go over: 검토하다

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