장면 1: 저녁때
Elaine: 엄마, 그거 알아요?
Mom: 뭔데?
Elaine: 내일 학교에서 현장답사를 가요.
Dad: 우리가 사인해야 되는 걸 가져왔었니?
Elaine: 예. 그리고 아빠가 다시 돌려주셨어요.
Dad: 그럼, 뭐가 문제야?
Elaine: 우리는 수영장에 갈거예요?
Dad: 그런데?
Elaine: 물안경이 필요해요.
Mom: 왜 그런데?
Elaine: 음, 물안경이 없으면 눈이 아파요.
Mom: 물론 그렇지.
Dad: 저녁 먹고 가서 한 개 사도록 하자.
Elaine: 고마워요!
장면 2: 아침
Elaine: 나는 이런 수경이 좋아요. 투명 렌즈로 된 것이 좋아요.

(Scene 1: Evening)
Guess what?
Tomorrow, at school, we're going on a field trip.
Did you give us the thing to sign?
Yes. And you gave it back.
So, what's the issue?
We're going to a swimming pool.
I need goggles.
Why is that?
Well, it hurts my eyes if I don’t have them.
Oh yes, of course.
I suppose we can go get a pair after dinner.
(Scene 2: Morning)
I like these goggles. I like ones with a clear lens.


Waitor: Table for how many?
Destiny: Five, please.
Waitor: Follow me. Is this table good?
Destiny: Fabulous. Sit, guys.
Waitor: I’ll be back to get your orders.
Destiny: Thanks. Sit down! Jake, Tom, Ginger…
Jake: Ok, Ok. We’re sitting! Calm down!
Tom: I’ll just get a Gourmet Hamburger.
Ginger: I’ll get a well-done steak.
Destiny: And I’ll get an extra cheesy Lasagna.
Tom: We can all share. I’m paying, by the way.
Waitor: Are you ready?
Jake: Yes. She’s getting a well-done steak, her a gourmet hamburger, an extra cheesy lasagna for her, and a spaghetti for me.
Waitor: Is that it?
Destiny: Yes, ma’am!
Waitor: It’ll be ready in about fifteen minutes.
Tom: Thanks.

이주의 단어 숙어

guess: 추측하다 guess what?: 너 그거 아니? field trip: 현장 견학
sign: 싸인 give back: 돌려주다 swimming pool: 수영장
hurt: 아프게 하다 clear: 투명한

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