Grandma: 얘들아 저녁 뭐 먹을래?
Mom: 그냥 피자 주문하지요.
Grandma: 저녁으로?
Ken: 피자 괜찮은 것 같은데요.
Alister: 그리고 브레드스틱도요!
Mom: 그래.
Jeff: 닭날개는요?
Mom: 그래라.
Mathew: 우편물 중에서 피자헛 큐폰을 보았는데요.
Mom: 그걸 써먹으면 되겠구나!
Jeff: 나는 Domino's 피자가 더 좋아.
Grandpa: 그렇지만 우리는 Pizza Hut 쿠폰 하나가 있어. 그냥 그 쿠폰을 써먹자.
Grandma: Domino's 피자는 다음에 먹자, 응. Jeff?
Jeff: 좋아요.
April: 그리고 그 다음에는 Blackjace 피자를 먹자, 오케이?
Brandon: 그래, 그래, 좋아. 오늘 것만 다루기로 하자, 알았지?
Mathew: 그 쿠폰이 어디 있지? 내가 분명히 봤는데!
Jacob: 나한테 있어!
Jasmine: 맛있겠다! 빨리 먹고 싶다!
Dad: 그럼 피자를 얼마나 주문해야되나?

What do you guys want _____ dinner?
Let's just _____ some pizza.
For dinner?
Pizza _____ Ok.
And breadsticks!
Chicken wings?
I saw a coupon _____ Pizza Hut in the mail.
We can use that!
I like Domino's better.
Well, we have a coupon to Pizza Hut. Let's just use that.
We can get Domino's next time, alright, Jeff?
And then Blackjack _____ that, Ok?
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Let's just deal with today, shall we?
Where's the coupon? I _____ I saw it!
I have it!
Yum! Can't _____!
Wow, so how many pizzas do we need?

지난호 다시보기

Max: Hey Joseph, I'm having my birthday party this weekend, do you want to come?
Joseph: Sure, I'll be glad to.
Max: I'm not sure of all the details yet, but I'll get them to you as soon as possible.
Joseph: Thanks. But, I have an art lesson on Sunday at four o'clock. If it's then, I can't go.
Max: Sure thing. I was thinking Saturday anyways.
Joseph: Really? That’s good. Thanks for inviting me.
Max: Just be there.
Joseph: Trust me, I will be there.
Max: See you then!
Joseph: Max!
Max: What?
Joseph: What do you want as a birthday present?
Max: I don't care!

guys: 아이들, 애들, 사람들 want: 원하다 for dinner: 저녁으로 order: 주문하다 sounds ~: ~ 처럼 들린다, ~ 같다
breadstick: 막대빵 chicken wings: 닭날개 coupon to Pizza Hut: Pizza Hut 큐폰 use: 이용하다
alight: 이상없다. 괜찮다 after that: 그 다음에 deal with ~: ~을 다루다, ~을 대하다, ~을 처리하다 I swear: 맹세컨데
can’t wait ~: ~이 빨리되면 좋겠다 how many: 얼마나 많은

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