John: 점심이 뭐예요?
Mom: 터키 샌드위치를 쌌다. 과일은 뭐 먹을래?
John: 사과, 바나나, 오렌지 또는 블랙베리 빼고는 아무거나요.
Mom: 좋아. 석류를 좀 넣어줄게.
John: 다른 건 뭐가 있어요?
Mom: 글쎄, 배, 파인애플, 수박, 딸기, 참외 그리고 블루베리가 있다.
John: 딸기 먹어도 돼요?
Mom: 물론.
John: 엄마, 다른 거 해도 돼요?
Mom: 그래, 뭘 원하니?
John: 배하고 블루베리요.
Mom: 그래라.

What’s ______ lunch?
Well, I put a turkey sandwich in. What do you want for a fruit?
Anything _______ apples, bananas, oranges, or blackberries.
Ok, I’ll put in some pomegranate seeds.
What _________ do we have?
Well, pears, pineapple, watermelon, strawberries, melons, and blueberries.
Can I have strawberries?
Of course.
Mom, can I __________ my mind?
Sure. What do you want?
I want pears and blueberries.

Mom: Jacob, go to bed!
Jacob: Ok, let me just finish what I'm doing.
Mom: What are you doing, and how long is it going to take?
Jacob: I'm studying for the language arts test tomorrow, and I'll wrap it up in ten minutes.
Mom: Make sure you keep your promise.
Jacob: I will, don't worry.
Mom: Ok.
Jacob: Actually, can you help me with some things?
Mom: Sure, what do you need help with?
Jacob: Can you quiz me on the materials?
Mom: What are you studying?
Jacob: Grammar.
Mom: Oh, never mind then, I was never too good at that.
Jacob: Oh well.
Mom: Sorry.
Jacob: It's alright. I guess I'll go to sleep now.
Mom: Good night.

fruit: 과일 want: 원하다 anything but ~: ~ 을 빼고 아무거나 what else: 그 밖에 무엇 change one’s mind: 마음을 바꾸다

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