Peter: 두루두루. 샌프란시스코에 갈 기대를 하고 있어.
Daniel: 좋다.
Peter: 그래. 그럼, 여행 잘 다녀와라.
Daniel: 너도.
Dad: 자, 얘야 침대로!
Zack: 예 아빠.
Steve: 좋아요.
Dad: 양치질 해라.
Zack: 아빠, 5살때부터 습관적으로 했던 일은 얘기하지 않아도 돼요!
Dad: 미안하다. 자 잠자리에 들어라.
Zack: 예.
Zack: 우리 엄마아빠가 주무시는대로 오토바이를 타지 않을래?
Steve: Jack, 미안하지만 우리는 아직 나이가 충분하지가 않아.
Zack: 괜찮아. 진짜가 아니야.  소형이야.
Steve: 그런게 있어?
Zack: 두 대. 한 달 전에 받았어.
Steve: 그래! 좋지!

All over. I look forward to going to San Francisco.
That's nice.
Yeah. Well, have a nice trip.
You too.
Ok guys, go to bed!
Ok dad.
Brush your teeth!
Dad, we don't need to be reminded of habbits we've had since we were 5 years old!
Sorry. Well, get to bed.
(a moment later)
Ok, as soon as my parents are asleep, do you want to go ride motorcycles?
Zack, I'm sorry, but I don't think we're old or tall enough.
It's ok. These aren't real. They're the miniature ones.
You have those things?
Two. I got them a month ago.
Yeah! I'm up for it!


Elizabeth: How many siblings do you have?
Jessica: Two older sisters, one younger brother, and another younger sister.
Elizabeth: Oh wow. Five kids!
Jessica: Yeah, it’s a handful sometimes.
Elizabeth’s mom: Do you help with your younger siblings?
Jessica: Oh, sometimes. My brother is six and my sister is ten months.
Elizabeth: Is your sister cute?
Jessica: Usually. When she’s not cranky.
Daniel: I'm going to Korea.
Peter: Are you coming back?
Daniel: Yeah.
Peter: When?
Daniel: In about a month.
Peter: I see. What do you look forward to the most?
Daniel: Mostly food. I'm going to go see my relatives. I also get a new phone.
Peter: Cool, I really miss the food there.
Daniel: Yeah. Are you going anywhere?
Peter: California.
Daniel: Really? That's cool. Where in California are you going?


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