Waitor:몇 분이세요?
Destiny:다섯 명이에요.
Waitor:따라오세요. 이 테이블 괜찮으세요?
Destiny:좋아요. 앉아라 얘들아.
Waitor: 곧 주문받으러 오겠습니다.
Destiny:고마워요. 앉아라! Jake, Tom, Ginger…
Jake:예, 예, 앉고 있어요! 진정하세요!
Tom:나는 Gourmet Hamburger 먹을래.
Ginger:나는 Well-done Steak 먹을래.
Destiny:나는 Extra Cheesy Lasagna 먹을래.
Tom:다 같이 나누어 먹으면 돼. 그런데 내가 낸다.
Waitor: 준비 되셨나요?
Jake:예. 쟤는 Well-done Steak, 얘는 Gourmet Hamburger, Extra Cheesy Lasagna는 얘한테, 그리고 나는 스파케티 주세요.
Waitor:그게 전부인가요?
Waitor:15분 정도 걸리겠습니다.

Table for how many?
Five, please.
Follow me. Is this table good?
Fabulous. Sit, guys.
I’ll be back to get your orders.
Thanks. Sit down! Jake, Tom, Ginger…
Ok, Ok. We’re sitting! Calm down!
I’ll just get a Gourmet Hamburger.
I’ll get a well-done steak.
And I’ll get an extra cheesy Lasagna.
We can all share. I’m paying, by the way.
Are you ready?
Yes. She’s getting a well-done steak, her a gourmet hamburger, an extra cheesy lasagna for her, and a spaghetti for me.
Is that it?
Yes, ma’am!
It’ll be ready in about fifteen minutes.

지난호 다시 보기

Mom: It should be there.
Dad: Why are we talking about this now?
Jacob: Just getting ready.
Grandma: Smart.
Grandpa: Very.
Timothy: I'm going to change into my swimming trunks and go, I don't want to change in the locker rooms there.
April: Good point Timothy, though I will wear my swimming suit, not my swimming trunks.
Grandma: It'd be funny if you wore swimming trunks April.
April: Yeah.
Paul: I'm going to bed.
Jacob: (Good) night man.
Mom: Let's all go to bed.
Dad: Yeah.
Tiffany: Ok.
Brandon: We're going to WaterWorld, yay!
Mathew: Calm down Brandon!

단어 숙어
fabulous: 근사한, 멋진 to get order: 주문을 받다 well-done steak: 충분히 익힌 스테이크
extra: 엑스트라, 별도로 cheesy: 치즈가 많은 share: 나누다, 공유하다
pay: 내다, 지급하다 by the way: 그런데 is that it?: 그게 전부입니까?

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