너는 형제자매가 몇 명이니?

2011-05-19     weeklyfocus

Elizabeth: 너는 형제자매가 몇 명이니?
Jessica: 언니가 둘, 남동생 하나, 그리고 여동생 하나.
Elizabeth: 와우, 애들이 다섯명이나!
Jessica: 응, 때때로 북적거리기도 하지.
Elizabeth’s mom: 너는 동생들을 도와주기도 하니?
Jessica: 으, 가끔씩. 남동생은 6살이고 여동생은 10개월 됐어.
Elizabeth: 여동생이 귀엽니?
Jessica: 대개 그래. 칭얼대고 보채지 않을 때 말이야.
Daniel: 나는 한국에 간다.
Peter: 다시 돌아올거니?
Daniel: 응.
Peter: 언제?
Daniel: 한 달 정도 후에.
Peter: 그렇구나. 네가 가장 크게 기대하는 것이 뭐니?
Daniel: 주로 음식이야. 친척들도 보게될거야. 새 전화도 생겼다.
Peter: 쿨. 나도 한국의 음식이 정말 그리워.
Daniel: 그래. 너는 어디 좀 갈거니?
Peter: 캘리포니아.
Daniel: 정말? 좋겠다. 캘리포니아 어디를 가는데?

How many siblings do you have?
Two older sisters, one younger brother, and another younger sister.
Oh wow. Five kids!
Yeah, it’s a handful sometimes.
Do you help with your younger siblings?
Oh, sometimes. My brother is six and my sister is ten months.
Is your sister cute?
Usually. When she’s not cranky.
I'm going to Korea.
Are you coming back?
In about a month.
I see. What do you look forward to the most?
Mostly food. I'm going to go see my relatives. I also get a new phone.
Cool, I really miss the food there.
Yeah. Are you going anywhere?
Really? That's cool. Where in California are you going?


Kelly: Oh. They are brown. So I guess I have seven also.
Mariah: Seven is my very favorite number in the whole world.
James: Hi Eric. Did you have a good summer?
Eric: Hi James. I did. My parents took me to Hawaii.
James: Where's Hawaii. Is it in Mexico?
Eric: No. I think it is in America. But it is far away.
James: Did you have to take a plane?
Eric: Two planes. One was a long plane ride.
James: Did you see the blue horse at the airport.
Eric: I did. It has red eyes. It kind of scares me.
James: Did they have a blue horse in Hawaii?
Eric: No. But they did have some scary boys who wore dresses.
Elizabeth: Hey, Jess!
Jessica: Yeah?
Elizabeth: This is my grandpa, grandma, dad, mom, brother, and sister.
Jessica: Oh, cool! In my house, my parents and siblings live there.


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