Faith: 내가 첫째야, 기억하니?
Keaten: Richard! 일어나! 벌써 8시야!
Richard: 뭐-? 뭐라고?!
Keaten: 농담이야! 그렇지만 일어나야 해. 사실은 7시야.
Richard: 그냥 그렇게 말했으면 됐잖아.
Keaten: 누구든지 가장 쉽게 깨우는 방법이야!
Richard: 나가. 샤워할 거니까!
Mom: Keaten! Richard! 아침 됐다!
Keaten: 벌써 일어났어요!
Richard: 저도요, Elle 덕분에 (Elle을 노려보면서)
Mom: 오 그래, 빨리 밥먹어라.
Keaten: 좋다! 영양가 있는 아침이다!
Mom: 먹어라!
Richard: 다 먹었어요!
Keaten: 저도요!
Richard: 나는 책가방 준비됐어.
Keaten: 잠깐만! 가서 과학 프로젝트 가져와야 해!
Mom: 가자, 딸아!
Keaten: 잠깐만요! 그걸 내가 어디에 놓았는지 아세요?

I am going first remember?
Richard! Wake up! It's already eight o'clock!
Wha--? What?!
Just kidding! But you need to wake up. It's actually seven o'clock.
You could have just told me that.
Easiest way to wake anyone up!
Get out. I'm going to take a shower.
Keaten! Richard! Breakfast is ready!
I am already awake!
So am I, thanks to Elle. (Shooting a nasty glance at her)
Oh good. Hurry, eat.
Great! A nutritious breakfast!
Me too!
My backpack is ready.
One second! I need to go get my science project!
Let's go, girl!
One second!!! Do you know where I put it?

지난호 보기

Cherilyn:  Hey, guys!
Arden: Hey!
Cherilyn:  You guys ready for a blast?
Sophie: Are we like going to play limbo?
Lucille: How about Twister?
Amanda: Those are boring!
Faith: I know!
Clare: What?
Amber:  We should play hide and seek!
Sarah: Or, go in the pool!
Cherilyn:  Let's go in the pool, and get refreshed.
Mom: Towels!
Cherilyn:  (I) Got them!
Lucille: So, who's going first?
Faith: Me.
Sophie: I'm second!
Amanda: I don't care.
Arden: Is it cold?
Sarah: I hope not.
Cherilyn:  Nope, it's heated.
Clare: I'm getting in!

단어, 숙어

actually: 사실은, 실제는     could have just told me that: 그렇게만 말해도 됐을거야       easiest: 가장 쉬운     way: 길, 방법        get out!: 나가!    take a shower; 샤워하다       backpack: 배낭, 메는 가방       one second!: 잠깐만!     Go get ~: 가서 ~을 가져오다    
영어 Q&A


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