Jane: 스테이크!
Dad: 맞아…
Jane: 예스!!!!!!
Mom: 너희들 기분 좀 살려줘야겠다고 생각했다.
Joseph: 엄마. 대성공이에요.
Mom: 아이고, 고맙구나.
Jane: 후추가루를 많이 쳤네요 아빠!
Dad: 알아, 네것만 그렇다.
Jane: 나는 왜 사람들이 후추를 싫어하는지 이해가 안돼요.
Mom: 조금씩 하는 것이 좋아. Jane것처럼 너무 많은 것 말고.
Jane: 후추는 좋아요!
Joseph: 그래, 그렇지만 한꺼번에 잔뜩하는 것은 안좋아.
Jane: Candas가 집에서 뭐하고 있는지 궁금하다.
Joseph: 아마 지루한 시간을 갖고 있겠지.
Jane: 그리고 쇼핑도 많이 하고,,,, 오, 맞아.
 옛날의 그 좋았던 시절.
Joseph: 꿈깨라 Jane!
Jane: 한 시간만 더.
Joseph: 한 시간이나?!
Jane: 그것도 충분하지 않아.
Mom: 스테이크가 준비됐다!

Thought I should cheer you guys up.
You succeeded well.
Why, thanks.
Lots of pepper dad!
I know, just on yours though.
I don’t understand why people don’t like pepper!
Just a little is good, not too much like yours Jane.

Pepper is good!
Yes, but not a lot at a time.
I wonder what Candas is doing home.
Probably having a boring time.
And shopping a bunch… Oh yes, the good old days.
Earth to Jane!
One more hour.
One whole hour?!
That’s not enough.
Steak’s ready!


Jane: Well, Joseph should care.
Joseph: I should?
Jane: Yes. You should because you are my twin.
Joseph: Yes, but that doesn’t mean I should care!
Jane: You’re a rotten twin.
Joseph: Well, how nice is that, to say that you’re twin is rotten??
Jane: Very nice.
Joseph: Besides, I’m not rotten, I’m fresh.
Jane: You know what I mean!
Joseph: I do, you’re saying I’m rotting away!
Jane: Joseph, come back to life, will you?
Joseph: I’m in life, Ok?
Jane: Oh my, oh my.
Joseph: Why are you saying that?
Jane: Because you’re not acting like my twin!
Joseph: I suppose so, but I don’t think shopping is that important….
Jane: Not important?!
Mom: Now now, girls, stop fighting and come eat dinner.
Joseph: What’s dinner?
Dad: What do you think?

단어, 숙어

cheer ~up: ~의 사기를 올려주다  succeed: 성공하다, 계승하다 understand: 이해하다  at a time: 한 번에
wonder: 궁금하다 boring: 지루한 a bunch: 잔뜩    the good old days: 좋았던 옛 시절
whole: 완전한, 전체의

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